As an E-Magazine with a focus on travel, most of our subscribers are well versed in the trials and tribulations of lengthy flights. For those that have yet to cross international waters, we compiled some helpful tips and best practices for making it through those long flights.
- First and foremost, decide which seat you will prefer. Want to cuddle up against the wall and fall asleep? Make sure you choose a window seat. Want to be able to get up and move around easily without disturbing the person next to you? Grab an aisle seat. Go ahead and decide ahead of time if you'd be willing to move if asked by a flight attendant to accommodate a family.
- Most airlines now allow for digital tickets when boarding. After purchasing your flight (or flights) you will have the option of having your ticket emailed to you using a QR code that's scanned as you board your flight. When you're trying to make an international flight, you'll want all the time saving you can get.
- If your airline(s) have an app, download it to check in early and get notifications of your flights status.
- Dehydration is a big issue during long flights and not all airlines are created equally when passing out free beverages. Take an empty reusable water bottle with you and fill it up after making it through security. This will help ward off headaches, keep you clear minded and maintain energy. Here's a link to some of the best travel water bottles -
- We're big fans of sleeping on a long flight in an effort to fight jet lag and get your body on time for your destination. What better way to pass the time? We recommend getting an eye mask in case you are not on an overnight flight (which requires passengers to shutter all airplane windows. Ear plugs are a great idea too if you're sensitive to sound (or obnoxiously loud fellow passengers.) Finally, an inflatable neck pillow. These can be easily filled for your flight and then deflated for easy storage in your luggage. Here is a link to a wide variety of travel pillows:
- Be wary of drinking alcohol. Not only will it dehydrate you but you run a big risk of landing in your destination country with a hangover. If you really want to imbibe, alternate each drink with a glass of water or wait towards the tail end of your flight to enjoy a drink or two. As always, keep in mind that you will get drunker, quicker at a high altitude.
- It's unfortunately somewhat common for baggage to get lost, especially if you're taking multiple flights from your home city. Make sure your carry on is packed with your essentials, both for when you land but also while in the air. Keep absolutely necessary medications and toiletries in your carry on along with your cell phone charger, tablet, a change of clothing and all necessary identification.
- Travel clothing: not just for your destination. Choose clothing you will fly comfortably in and keep in mind that most flights will be kept very cold. You may be going through multiple security check points so choose your footwear wisely if you're passing through a country that also requires you to remove footwear while going through security.
- Its not uncommon for the weather you're flying from and the weather of your destination to be wildly different. Check the weather for your destination or add your destination city to the weather app on your phone and it will automatically update with weather notifications and local time. You may have to make a quick change at your destination airport before stepping into Equatorial weather.